انتخاب موقعیت
انتخاب گروهبندی


آگهی رایگان
بروزرسانی : دوشنبه 13 شهريور 1402
About ten years ago, we dived into the world of Grasshopper3D, starting with just a few basic tools. Imagine our surprise when, after pairing Grasshopper with Rhino 4, a whole new universe of graphical programming unfolded before us! It was like unlocking a treasure chest of 3D design and analysis, introducing us to cool terms like Domains, Tangents, List Items, and Shift Lists. The experience was a thrilling mix of ‘this is amazing!’ and ‘oh, this is daunting.’

But hey, every journey has its bumps, right? We learned to navigate the complexities, like juggling data and deciding when to ‘Flatten’ or ‘Graft’. We discovered how math tools can jazz up parametric design, ventured into using Grasshopper in diverse fields like Jewelry and Interior Design, and even got a hang of those nifty plugins out there.

After a decade of fun, challenges, and immense learning, we’re eager to share! We’ve poured all our knowledge and experiences into a cozy online nook named Paracourse, tailored especially for budding Architecture & Design enthusiasts. Come join us!

آگهی دهنده
ارسال پیام به آگهی دهنده
کدآگهی : 1101329
بازدید : 64
دسته بندی : ساير آموزش
آگهی دهنده
ارسال پیام به آگهی دهنده
دستگاه ذخیر شماره موبایل مشتری
دستگاه ذخیر شماره موبایل مشتری
بازاریابی و تبلیغات پیامکی
بازاریابی و تبلیغات پیامکی

بهترین پنل اس ام اس با بیشترین امکانات و کمترین تعرفه پیامک
